jolina.gibson Leaks


did you ever have a big tiddie goth girlfriend?🖤 heyy Im Jolina and I am here to have fun with you besides my boring job🦇 i love living the goth lifestyle & dressing like it, but still i am a super positive and happy person (even if it does not look like it haha) with a few special kinks🤪🖤 anyways…I got the most perfect size of boobs you‘ll every see🍒😼 and when im not busy doing the household im here to fulfill your every day wish and fantasy And if you are asking how hard was the impact when i fell from the sky, it was pretty soft since I landed on my boobies🤓 .·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·. anyways, jump on board and let’s create some unforgettable memories together😉🖤 xoxo jolina🧚🏼‍♂️